Leadership coaching involves developing leadership skills, enhancing self-awareness, and achieving personal and professional goals. The process I offer typically consists of several stages.

Leadership Coaching Initial Steps

At the beginning of the leadership coaching relationship, we engage in an initial assessment. I gather information about your current abilities, strengths, areas for improvement, and specific goals you want to achieve. We might use leadership assessment tools in this process. We will set clear and measurable goals for the coaching engagement. These goals could be related to leadership skills development, career advancement, improving communication, building high-performing teams, or other leadership-related objectives. 

Leadership Coaching Plan

The second initial step involves creating a detailed action plan. This plan outlines the steps and strategies that we will take to achieve your goals. You are in charge of this part of the process, while I will be there to provide support, guidance, and feedback. During this process, I will establish a strong relationship based on trust, confidentiality, and open communication. This rapport is crucial for the process to be effective and for you to be fully committed. I will also provide feedback based on the assessment, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement. We will begin to collaboratively gain insights into your leadership behaviors, beliefs, and patterns that might be impacting your effectiveness.

Remember that as we progress, we will be flexible to accommodate changes in your goals, needs, and circumstances. We will always adjust the coaching plan as necessary to ensure its relevance and effectiveness.

Leadership Coaching Ongoing Process

After we have taken those initial steps, we move into our regular one-on-one sessions. The frequency and duration of these sessions may vary depending on our agreement. During these sessions, we will discuss progress, challenges, successes, and any adjustments needed to the action plan. I will provide feedback based on observations, assessments, and our discussions. Your reflection is an essential part of the process. It helps us gain insights into your leadership style, behaviors, strengths, and areas for improvement.

Tools and Goals

We will work on developing and refining specific skills through targeted exercises, role-playing, simulations, and real-life scenarios. I will guide you in adopting new behaviors, approaches, and techniques. We will continually review specific development tools, resources, and techniques to enhance your skills and capabilities. I will hold you responsible for taking action toward your goals and encourage you to stay committed to the coaching process.

One goal of this process is to encourage you to self-reflect regularly. This will deepen your understanding of your style, values, and impact on others, helping you identify and manage potential blind spots or biases.

Specific Leadership Coaching Techniques

Leadership coaching techniques can vary depending on your specific needs, but here are some common methods and strategies I use in leadership coaching:

  1. Active Listening: Effective services begin with active listening. I listen attentively to your concerns, challenges, and goals without interrupting, providing a safe and supportive environment for you to express yourself.
  2. Powerful Questions: I use open-ended, thought-provoking questions to encourage self-reflection and help you gain deeper insights into your style, values, and goals.
  3. Feedback: I aim to provide constructive and honest feedback, highlighting areas where you excel and areas for improvement. This feedback is often based on observations and assessments. I hold you accountable for your commitments and actions. I help you stay on track and adjust your plans as circumstances change.
  4. Strengths-Based Coaching: I help you recognize and leverage your unique strengths to enhance your effectiveness throughout your coaching journey.
  5. Behavioral Assessments: I may use various assessments like personality assessments (e.g., Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), 360-degree feedback, or emotional intelligence assessments to provide insights into the leader’s strengths and areas for growth.
  6. Role Modeling: I work to demonstrate effective leadership behaviors and communication techniques, helping people learn by example. My background as a C-level leader with an MBA helps me be authentic.
  7. Conflict Resolution and Communication Skills: In leadership coaching, I assist people in improving their communication and conflict resolution skills, which are crucial for effective leadership.
  8. Stress Management and Well-Being: As a psychologist, I often address stress management and well-being to ensure your health and resilience while dealing with demands.
  9. Cultural and Inclusivity Training: In today’s diverse workplaces, I work to improve cultural competence and inclusivity, ensuring you lead in a way that values and respects differences.
  10. Motivation and Inspiration: I help you find sources of motivation and inspiration, aligning your values with your style to inspire and engage your teams.
  11. Time Management and Prioritization: Effective leaders must manage their time and prioritize tasks. In leadership coaching, I provide strategies to help you maximize their productivity.
  12. Self-Reflection and Mindfulness: Encouraging leaders to practice self-reflection and mindfulness can help them better understand their thoughts and emotions, leading to better decision-making and self-awareness.
  13. Socratic Questioning: This technique involves asking thought-provoking questions to challenge assumptions and encourage critical thinking and problem-solving.

The specific techniques used in leadership coaching will depend on your needs. Effective coaching is a dynamic collaborative process that evolves as the your goals and challenges evolve.

Leadership Coaching Later Steps

We will evaluate your progress toward the set goals and determine if any adjustments to the coaching plan are necessary. Eventually, you’ll have met your goals. As the coaching engagement ends, there is a closure phase where we review progress, discuss the outcomes achieved, and evaluate the overall coaching experience. This stage helps ensure you can continue your leadership journey with newfound insights and skills.

Celebrating Progress

During this later stage, we will celebrate achievements and milestones. This will boost motivation, reinforce the value of the process, and possibly lead to ideas for further progress. Sometimes, we will gather feedback about progress from colleagues, team members, and others who interact with you. We can use this feedback to adjust the coaching approach and address emerging challenges. This information can also help you decide when you’ve reached your goals.

Ending the Leadership Coaching Engagement

When the engagement nears its end, we will have a reflective conversation about your progress, growth, and the lessons learned. We’ll work to ensure you’ve successfully integrated your refined or newfound skills and insights into their ongoing leadership practices. We will discuss ending the engagement once you feel you have the skills, toolkit, and insights you need.

After we’ve finished, I offer post-coaching support to ensure that you continue to apply their learnings and sustain and improve your growth over time.

Summary and My Services

It’s important to note that leadership coaching is a personalized process tailored to the individual needs and goals of the coachee. The effectiveness of coaching relies heavily on your commitment to the process and your willingness to engage in self-reflection and growth. Your coaching course will be uniquely tailored to your goals and hopes, but you can still look at our leadership coaching example and the self-help tips I provide here to get more of a sense of what this experience will be like.

Of course, I also offer a free consultation if you’d like to see if my leadership coaching services match what you are looking for. Contact me if you’d like to discuss this further.

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Dr. Alan Jacobson Psychologist
Dr. Jacobson is a licensed clinical psychologist providing individual, couples, and family therapy for over 20 years. He uses an integrative approach. choosing from a variety of proven and powerful therapeutic methods.