Fear of Flying Therapy

Treatment for fear of flying can help you overcome your anxiety. Fear of flight therapy goes at a pace you are comfortable with, allowing you to understand your anxiety and then confront it. Fear of flying therapy is a core service and can be done with adolescents as young as 14.

Fear of Flying Therapy Overview

The fear of flying therapy specialty service is designed to be intensive and short-term.

Understand your fears and worries: Realizing that your fear has its roots in anxieties that have nothing to do with flying can be a significant first step in treatment for fear of flying.

Reduce anticipatory anxiety: Often, the anxiety that precedes getting on the plane can be much worse than the anxiety you feel on the flight.

Fear of flight therapy techniques: I will teach you, and we will practice specific techniques that have been shown to reduce your anxiety.

24/7 response: I may be available by phone, video, or text before your flight and that day to provide fear of flight therapy support when you need it.

Treatment for fear of flying works!


Fear of Flying Therapy

Fear of Flying Therapy Q&A

Treatment for Fear of Flying
What is Fear of Flying Therapy?

Most people can overcome their fear of going on an airplane, but it takes work and practice. Flying is an incredibly safe way to get to many places and is vitally important in many ways. Flight fear affects 20-25% of people, so you are not alone!

Fear of Flying Therapy First Steps

The first step in treatment for fear of flying is understanding your irrational fears that are triggering your anxiety. Yes, they are irrational because flying is much safer than probably a list of other things you do daily! Of course, you may realize that, and your rational mind has probably reviewed the statistics and data, but this probably does not relieve you.

What Causes Fear of Flying

Your fears likely have two levels of triggers: First, in a larger sense, you may be experiencing a life transition, such as having kids, that has made you more aware of your mortality or just the importance of your safety; and Second you may be specifically triggered by specific thoughts, images, or sensations that occur when you fly. These triggers may include turbulence, turning, taking off, being up high, etc.

The cause of your anxiety may be insignificant since the treatment strategy will likely not focus on the cause but rather the effect. However, many people can get even more out of therapy when they understand the cause since it may affect them in other ways. Treatment for fear of flying can often help reduce other anxieties as well!

Flying Fear Triggers

Many triggers cause people to come to treatment for flight anxiety, and while some people have a combination, others find that one part of being on an airplane is the problem. In either case, fear of flying therapy works for most!

Here are some of the common triggers:

Turbulence: Many people fear turbulence. Even though it is a normal part of flying and rarely dangerous, turbulence can make people feel that something terrible could happen, or they don’t like the sensation it causes.

Loss of control: Similar to the anxiety caused by turbulence, some fear losing control of the aircraft or any situation that could happen.

Claustrophobia: The confined space of an airplane cabin can trigger fear in those with claustrophobia.

Fear of heights: A fear of heights can be exacerbated when looking out of an airplane window or considering the altitude at which an airplane flies.

Previous traumatic experiences: A past negative experience during a flight can lead to fear in future trips.

Media coverage and movies: Dramatic news stories about airplane accidents can heighten fear, as can visual representations seen in movies.

As you can see, I separated the “causes” section from the “triggers” section. Often, the cause of the fear of flying is psychological and can be addressed separately from the trigger itself.

    What are the Symptoms of Fear of Flying

    People experience anxiety in many different ways. For some, it is panic while in the air, while others experience weeks of anticipatory anxiety. Many people experience physical symptoms of their fear; for others, it is mental. Interestingly, few anxieties start with something that happened on a prior flight!

    Treatment for Fear of Flying Can help

    In the short run, fear of flying therapy can target certain symptoms and reduce their severity. Still, the main goal is to address what is causing the anxiety so that the symptoms naturally disappear.

    What is the goal of treatment for fear of flying?

    We will work together in fear of flight therapy to address your symptoms and get you to the point where you are no longer avoiding travel – since avoidance actually makes your anticipatory anxiety worse!

    Treatment for Fear of Flying Steps

    We will work on ways to reduce your fears well ahead of time, help you manage the day of the flight, and deal with your anxiety during the flight. As part of flight fear therapy, I will also provide education, including facts about turbulence that will calm your irrational fears, the reasons for certain noises and bumps, the incredible number of redundant safety features on your plane, and what keeps the plane steady.

    If the fear has generalized a bit, and other situations bring up the same anxiety, we will also work on those areas.

    What are the results

    The results of fear of flying therapy should be obvious!

    Fear of Flying Therapy Outcomes

    Whether you experience painful anticipatory anxiety or panic while flying, the fear of flying is treatable with mental health therapy. My regular flying fear therapy services provide the basic treatment many people need, but I also offer intensive therapy services that can give 24/7 support. The Hill recently published a great article about the fear of flying.

    Treatment for Fear of Flying

    Here are the treatment methods I use to help people overcome their fear of flying

    You can also contact me or schedule a consultation to get more information.


    Education to Correct Irrational Fears

    As part of treatment for fear of flying, I will provide education about the safety of airplanes and flight in a way that may reduce irrational fears. The cornerstone of fear of flight therapy is helping dissolve irrational and exaggerated fears. You’ll begin to see the real meaning behind your fears, realize why they are there, and know that they do not really portend danger.

    Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

    CBT is a widely used therapeutic approach for treating phobias. It involves identifying and challenging irrational thoughts and beliefs about flying. In treatment for fear of flying, I help you replace these negative thoughts with more realistic and balanced ones. This can help not only the day of the flight but also greatly reduce anticipatory anxiety.


    Exposure and Response Prevention

    Exposure therapy gradually exposes individuals to the feared situation—in this case, being on a plane—in a controlled and systematic way. This exposure can be done through imagination, virtual reality programs, or actual flights. Over time, repeated exposure helps desensitize you to your fear and reduces anxiety responses. We will move at a comfortable pace.

    Relaxation to Reduce Stress

    Learning relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness can help you manage anxiety symptoms associated with flying. These techniques can be practiced before and during flights to promote a sense of calmness and control. You may be surprised how quickly and easily some of these techniques can be learned.


    Fear of Flying Therapy Example


    Fear of Flight Therapy can take many forms, but here is one example to give you a general idea.

    Matt came in for Fear of Flight Therapy after developing the fear when he took a new job that would involve frequent travel. Until then he did not have to fly very much. Here is how I would hypothetically help Matt with flight fear therapy techniques.

    We start Fear of Flight Therapy with a comprehensive assessment. This includes understanding Matt’s specific fears, triggers, and the extent of his anxiety. We discuss past experiences, pinpointing specific concerns (such as turbulence, claustrophobia, loss of control), and exploring any underlying anxieties or traumas related to being on an airplane.

    The second step in fear of therapy involves psychoeducation. I work to help Matt understand how airplanes work, the safety measures in place, statistics regarding flight safety, and the irrationality of certain fears. This helps in demystifying the mechanics of flying and providing factual information to counteract irrational beliefs.

    It is now time to begin the direct treatment for fear of flying involving cognitive behavioral techniques. I help Matt identify and challenge negative thought patterns and beliefs related to flying. This involves using thought records to reframe catastrophic thoughts, gradual exposure techniques, and relaxation exercises to manage anxiety. As part of treatment for fear of flying, Matt and I will work together to gradually expose him to the feared object or situation in a controlled and safe environment. This starts with simply looking at pictures of planes, then watching videos of take-offs and landings, followed by him visiting an airport, and ultimately taking short flights.

    As an adjunct to the CBT fear of flight therapy, Matt will learn relaxation and mindfulness exercises to help manage anxiety during exposure to flying-related stimuli. Deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery techniques can be beneficial in reducing physiological arousal. I might also use virtual reality technology to simulate flying experiences in a controlled setting. This allows Matt to gradually expose himself to the sensations and environment while still in a therapist’s office, making it a powerful fear of flight therapy tool for desensitization.

    Beacuse Matt signed up for my intensive treatment for fear of flying, I provide support and strategies right before actual flights. This involves creating a personalized ‘flight plan’ with relaxation exercises, distraction techniques, or specific self-talk strategies to manage anxiety while in the air.

    Fear of Flight Therapy

    Now Offering a Fear of Flying Group

    I am offering a fear of flight group therapy course for anyone in the states I serve. Treatment for fear of flying in a group format helps you get support and encouragement and a nice exccahnge of ideas from others. It can be quite powerful and helpful.

    Contact Me About Treatment for Fear of Flying

    Please use my contact page to discuss your hopes for treatment of fear of flying and see if I may be a fit to help. I’d be happy to provide some advice and tips even if we do not meet.

    You can also try my Flight Anxiety Self-Help strategies, but if they don’t work, fear of flying therapy can help!

    I look forward to speaking to you.


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